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New job opportunities in catering division, Admin Manger, Office administration and customer handling.

Coconut Seller India

Coconut Seller India

Management team of Happy Business India Trading Company were from agriculture family and well versed in agricultural products. The Company have dealing with all coconut farmers from all over Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu .

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Happy Houseboat

Happy Houseboat

Happy Business India also serving in tourism in Kerala in the name of Happy Houseboat. ,Houseboat Tourism has distinctly marked Kerala as God’s own country., it is one of the prime attractions of Kerala houseboat tourism. Backwater tourism in Kerala is very popular among tourists from all over the world.

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Bee Catering

Bee Catering

Happy business India newly engaged with catering service in the name of Bee Catering , Whether an organization holds 50 or 10,000+ Employees, Bee Catering will never fail to amaze them with their delicious range of meals. We are intent on building better workplaces through our food.

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Happy business India serving to people last 15 years in the different fields of services . We are happy to got a chance to in to interact with more than lakhs of peoples in the fields of Tourism, Coconuts Exports and IT services our new fields of starting business in food industries with catering services in north India. we are also happy to give opportunities to people for good careers also.